Friday, June 17, 2011

Santa Fe update

I'm making a brief foray out of the wilds to resupply and give any interested parties an update:

A few pointers for those going camping:
1) The ground is often times lumpy.
2) No matter how good you think the ventilation is in your tent, no matter how "okay" or appropriate it may seem, do not fart in your tent.
3) Ants will get perturbed if you pee on their anthill. (I swear, I didn't know it was there!)

Okay, now about Santa Fe. First, it's the state capitol of New Mexico, and thus full of politicians and political types; this alone should make it a target for nuclear weapons. Second, it's full of artists of (WIDELY) varying degrees of talent. Third, there's an above-average amount of moon-battery: eco-wackos, New Age cosmic aura gibberish, third-world fair trade karma vibe, and about anything else you can think of. The downtown area is a mish-mash of pseudo-streets that date back to the founding of Santa Fe - rather like downtown Boston or Annapolis, only with a Latin flavor. If you ever visit Santa Fe and find yourself downtown, be prepared to fire flares and seek assistance before feeling you have to abandon your vehicle and walk out. If you DO decide to walk out of downtown ("the Plaza"), have a compass and keep going the same two directions (i.e. North/East) when facing the twisty maze.

Between the arteests and the social dipshittery and politicians, it's a city best avoided if at all possible. That being said, here's some photos to distract you while I make my escape...
There are a few more, available in my Picassa album.

1 comment:

  1. I'd heard that about the looneytunes population, but missed the obvious politician thing.
    Either way, yes, away is the best direction from a place like that. Unless you're into carnivals.
